1CBM=300KG(不包税) 1CBM=167KG(包税) 最低消费:2CBM/21KG 入仓费:RMB30/票/SO号 单证报关费:RMB350/票 100kg以内超3个品名不接,100kg以上单件不能超3个品名,单票不能超5个品名,超出加收30RMB/个
标准件重量范围:12-22KG,不足12KG按12KG计; 单证报关费:RMB350/票 产品附加费:服装/包包/鞋子/木制品/30%以上税率的+1/KG(详见附件表) FDA正本申报附加费:35USD/票
1、仓库没有卸货平台需要升降板:$100/次; 2、需要与仓库预约:$80/次(如果是打电话预约,9-5点周一到周五都开门可以送的那种不收预约费); 3、2小时免费卸货,超出后$100/小时 4、材积比重按照:1CBM=167KG
If a carton is less than 12KG, it is charged by 12KG. This price does not collect goods, the week to go!! , separate customs declaration: 350 according to the square 1:363 heavy goods, refused to accept a class of medical products, sunglasses, laser products, toys will be charged a toy surcharge of RMB1/Kg
If the prescription is exceeded, the compensation shall be 1RMB/KG per day until the freight of a single box is compensated. The claim will not be accepted if the limitation is affected by uncontrollable factors. (No compensation for irresistible factors such as holidays, customs inspection, dock shutdown), separate customs declaration: 350, according to the party's heavy cargo 1:363, the customs inspection at the port of destination will not be settled
Compensation standard: starting from the second day of Shanghai sailing time 16 natural day extraction, 17 days from the beginning of the claim 1/KG/ day, freight compensation is finished; Claims are not accepted if uncontrollable factors affect the time limit. (Holidays, customs inspection, terminal shutdown and other irresistible factors will not be compensated). Compensation for delay is not calculated on the day of withdrawal.
More and more Chinese e-commerce sellers are now selling their products on Amazon's platform in order to increase sales and visibility. Sellers send their inventory of products sold on Amazon directly to warehouses in Amazon's local markets, where customers place orders and the Amazon system automatically completes subsequent shipments.
There is no doubt about the storage volume of Amazon American FBA, which is equivalent to saving a large amount of warehouse rental and management costs for the seller. If you use spontaneous goods, you have to worry about the problem of goods theft in addition to renting the warehouse, while FBA in America will not have such a problem at all
More and more Chinese e-commerce sellers are now selling their products on Amazon's platform in order to increase sales and visibility. Sellers send their inventory of products sold on Amazon directly to warehouses in Amazon's local markets, where customers place orders and the Amazon system automatically completes subsequent shipments.
The shipping office is located in California and has offices in more than 20 states in the United States. Matson Clipper ships leave Shanghai Port every Wednesday and arrive at LongBeach Port (LongBeach) by 11 days of high-speed sailing. With its own 2 off-port storage yards at PierC60 Port of LongBeach, rapid container pickup mode without reservation is available. Greatly improve the efficiency of container handling
Shenzhen Yitu International Logistics Co., LTD · 粤ICP备2023015429号
Shenzhen Yitu International Logistics Co., LTD
Contact us:2284177853@qq.com
Resume delivery:2284177853@qq.com